We look forward to seeing you at Back to School Night on September 14th.  The evening begins for parents of first-year students at 6:00pm and all parents at 7:00pm.  We will continue to provide school updates and student highlights utilizing various digital communication platforms: Our Website, Principal’s Blog, Facebook, Twitter (@CCHSAPMiller, @MJM_CCHS) and Instagram. It is not necessary to have an account with all listed as they are updated simultaneously.  

Among my goals for this year is an ongoing flow of communication. This occurs both formally and informally. In 2017, there are many tools available to us including the newspaper, social media and cable television. Informally, conversations and participation are as equally important. The goal is to maximize all of these avenues and create a lens into the school district and all of the exemplary work of the teachers and students. Since the spring, I began work on an entry plan to guide my first months. As part of that plan, I very much look forward to meeting and connecting

Dr. Robert Evans will speak to parents on supporting the mental health of our students. This program is being offered free to all participants. To plan for the event, kindly sign up at the following registration site:https://de-stressingparentsandraisingkidswithmoresuccess.eventbrite.com There is no harder job than being a parent. Nothing else touches so much of a person so deeply—or so unpredictably—and there is no training for it. As the pace of life accelerates, media influences intensify, and the future grows less predictable, parents find it harder to be confident—harder to know how to raise competent, caring children, how reduce their children’s stress—and their

“Raising a Student-Athlete: Sports Parenting in the 21st Century” Presented by Adam H. Naylor, EdD, CC-AASPMonday, November 6th at 7 PMLocation:  Concord Carlisle High School Auditorium Dr. Naylor will lead this discussion focused on supporting your child’s health and their ability to thrive throughout their sporting experiences. Consideration will be given to the parent’s role in developing confident and resilient young athletes and how to manage the stress of increasingly complicated sporting decisions which families face. Parents and Coaches encouraged to attend. Please learn more about this program and sign up at www.centerforparentsandteachers.org or at: https://sportsparentingdiscussionwithadamnaylor6nov2017.eventbrite.com