Borrowed Laptops due by Friday, June 17 at 2:10 p.m If your student is borrowing a laptop from CCHS, they need to return their laptop, protective case, and charger by Friday, June 17 at 2:10 p.m. Students can return their equipment in one of their final exam classrooms or the Learning Commons. They will need to fill out a short form to accompany the laptop.
CCHS Girls Softball – MIAA Division 1 North Sectional Semi-Final vs Newton North – Saturday, June 11 at 6:30 at Martin Field, Lowell. Tickets – Adults $8, Students $6.
CCHS Freshman and Sophomores: Join your classmates for a semi-formal dance in celebration of the start of summer and the end of the school year! Tickets can be purchased online at the following link: CLICK HERE or at lunch in the cafeteria. Tickets cost $15 in advance and $20 at the door. We’ve sold at least 80 tickets and there is still time to buy yourself a ticket. The dance is Saturday, June 11, 7:00 to 10:00pm. Buy your tickets in advance and you’ll be entered into the raffle for a cash prize. Hope to see you there!
Reminder to all Students: In order to avoid credit reduction in Quarter 4, please review your attendance in the student portal and take care of any unexcused absences before the last day of school. Please see Mrs. Merry in the main office with any attendance questions.
The last day the Fitness Center will be open after school is TODAY, June 10. The Fitness Center will not be open after school during finals week. Please plan accordingly.
First Annual Student Directed 10 Minute Play Festival will be TODAY, June 10 at 7pm in the Black Box Theater (Room 138) Tickets are $5 at the door. Come see “The God of Carnage” dir. Leslie Staniar, “The Queue” dir. Christina Kim, “It’s Not About Race” dir. Jillian Chelton, “Philadelphia” dir. Theo Zuffante, “Gifted” dir. Talia Smith, “La Mouche” dir. Nathalie Tedeschi, “Shining City” dir. McKenna Peck, “The Man Who Couldn’t Dance” dir. Martha Sheets and “Ferris Wheel” dir. Nellie Maxwell Please contact Ms. Dwyer with any questions you may have.
Concord Public Library will be open, to CCHS students only, on Sunday, June 12, 2016 from 10am-10pm. Students are invited to study and enjoy some yummy snacks! Parent volunteers are needed. Please contact Erin Duggan, ecduggan@comast.net, if you can help sometime during the day or evening. Thank you!
The Health and Fitness Department will be doing locker room clean up during finals exam week. Please have ALL of your items removed from the lockers and locker rooms by Monday, June 13. Please return all Health and Fitness locks to your Health and Fitness teacher and remove any personal locks from your locker.
Items in the lost and found bin by the locker rooms will be donated to charity during finals week. Please reclaim any items that you may have lost by June 13.
CCHS PA General Meeting – The CCHS Parents Association will meet Monday, June 13 at 7pm at CCHS in room 242 (Learning Commons). We will be voting on the Parents Assocation executive board nominees and budget for 2016-17. The complete meeting agenda will posted on http://www.cchspa.org on June 6th. All PA members are invited to attended.
VHS Summer Program: Interested in learning more about a topic that you either haven’t had time to take or perhaps you want to learn more about? Consider taking a Virtual High School Summer Course! Courses begin on June 22 and July 25, and run for either 4 or 8 weeks. Some sample offerings: Mission to the ISS, An Introduction to Neuroscience, and CAD design. Visit the VHS website (thevirtualhighschool.org/summer) to see a full list of summer offerings. If you are interested, please see Laurelle Mathison in the guidance office as soon as possible so you don’t miss out on this opportunity.
Summer Internship Opportunity: The Town of Concord is currently seeking a paid summer intern to work in with our Social Services Division and the Department of Planning and Land Management. Applications will be accepted until June 20 at noon, but will continue to be accepted until a candidate has been selected. This position is funded through a grant from the Massport Community Summer Jobs Program, which requires that applicants be residents of Concord, Lexington, Lincoln, Bedford, Charlestown, Chelsea, East Boston, South Boston, Revere or Winthrop. Applicants must also be students currently enrolled in a high school, college or university. Visit http://www.concordma.gov/pages/ConcordMA_HR/employment_opp for more information.
Looking for a quick way to say Thanks to a favorite teacher? The Concord Education Fund (CEF) Teacher Appreciation Appeal let’s you make a donation on behalf of an especially wonderful teacher or staff member who will receive a personalized card conveying your appreciation and your generosity. It’s quick, thoughtful, educational, tax deductible and fully in keeping with public education policies that limit gift giving. Best of all, CEF donations help to fund exciting new learning initiatives, programs and curricula that benefit teachers and students alike. So show your appreciation to someone who has made a positive impact on your child’s education by clicking here: http://concordedfund.org/teacher-appreciation/. And thank you for supporting teachers who are committed to offering Concord-Carlisle students an extraordinary educational experience.
Honoring Mr. Bob Lemaire Long time Thoreau Elementary teacher Bob Lemaire is leaving his full time classroom position at the end of this school year. The Thoreau PTG is collecting letters to Mr. Lemaire from former students and families to honor his near 50 years of dedication to the Thoreau School. Please send emails, letters or draw a picture that highlights the theme “What Mr. Lemaire Taught Me.” Favorite memories and/or photographs are also welcome. Send emails to rswain@concordps.org or mail to Thoreau School PTG, 29 Prairie St., Concord, MA 01742. Items can also be dropped off at the Thoreau School main office. All items due by TODAY, June 10.
Milldam Nursery School will be hosting the 11th Annual Ducky Race & Fair on Saturday, June 11, 2016 at Emerson Playground. We are looking for CCHS students to volunteer for three hours of community service, 9:15 am – 12:15 pm. The event features the “Lucky Duck” raffle, a petting zoo, train rides, face painting and more. Proceeds support Milldam Nursery School enrichment and need-based scholarship programs. Please contact Mary Ellen Harney, maryellen@maryellenmills.com, 917.566.0173
Volunteers Needed for Miracle League Funfest Sunday, June 12 is our 5th Annual Family FunFest and 5K Run/Walk at NARA Park in Acton from 11:00 to 3:00. In addition to live music by the Bare Hill Band, the event features bouncy houses, face painting, mini carnival games with prizes for all, Human Foosball, a Giant Slingshot, food, children’s crafts and activities and much, much more! This is a community event to bring together kids and families of all shapes and sizes. The goal is to give families a fun event while raising money for the Miracle League of Massachusetts. Of course to pull something like this off, we need lots and lots of volunteers. There are many opportunities to help! As I’m sure very few people are available to help all day (although we’d love the help!), we’ve broken down the day into 90 minute shifts. To volunteer, please go to this site link to SignUpGenius.com to select the specific time you wish to volunteer. If you have any questions or want additional information, please contact Lauren Richardt at volunteer@miracleleagueofma.com.
The Concord Art Association is offering community service for students willing to help clean up our classroom areas from the art classes. If interested please contact kholm@skidmore.edu or allysonsimes@concordart.org or call CAA at (978) 369-2578.
Willard Carnival is on Sunday, June 12 from 12-4. We are looking for as many volunteers as possible to help run our booths and games. We’ll have a basketball toss, ring toss, face painting, and many other activities for the kids. It’s always a ton of fun and the Willard families really appreciate all the help we get from the CCHS students. If you’re able to volunteer please sign up through the link below. If you have any questions please contact Debbie Gilmore at dhealygilmore@gmail.com www.SignUpGenius.com/go/4090D4DA5AB2CA5FD0-willard1
Artists and Craftsman from Carlisle are encouraged to bring their creations to the show. See carlisleohd.org for details. Two volunteers needed for Friday night, June 24, installation from 4-7. These individuals should be willing to hang art, move tables,etc. Email Suelueb@comcast.net. Pianists of all levels invited to play at the show June 25th from 10-12. Email Suelueb@comcast.net.
CC Youth & Community Services has over 70 K-8 children signed up to receive a back to school backpack and school supplies for the 2016-17 school year. If you or a group would like to assist with donating a backpack, please use a drop-box location listed below or contact CC Youth Services Coordinator, Jennifer Clarke (978.318.3043 or jclarke@concordma.gov). Donated backpacks must be new/unused. Donations of pencils, glue sticks, rulers, pencil case, pens, pencil sharpener, loose-leaf paper, folders, and notebooks also welcome. Drop-box locations in Concord: Harvey Wheeler Community Center until July 15 (1276 Main Street) and the Thoreau, Alcott and Willard Elementary School lobbies until June 17th.
Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School
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