Reflection’s art contest is happening now! Our theme is foodSend us your food related art pieces! The deadline has been extended to January 11.  Our prize is a $50 VISA gift card. We also accept general submissions for writing and art for our magazine.  Any questions? Email echin17@concordcarlisle.org OR gcoan@concordcarlisle.org


The CCHS Parents Association Annual Appeal is underway.  To read the appeal letter please click here.  Your tax-free donations to the CCHS PA have a long lasting impact all students at CCHS.  To donate online, please click here.  Thank you for your generosity.

Think you know Star Wars? Have you seen the Star Wars Christmas Special? If not (or even if you have, and want to challenge yourself), come to Sci-Fi Club’s 17th annual showing of this horrible, horrible film on Wednesday 12/21 at 2:20pm in the Black Box Theater. It is seriously the worst film Dr. Nurenberg has ever seen.

The Red Cross Club would like to thank everyone for their donations for the “Gift Wrapping Relief Fundraiser” to help people in need of food and shelter. We will be gift-wrapping at the Burlington mall on Friday, December 23. We will be at the mall entrance of Sears. Your donation is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Interact Club Winter Gear Drive for Cor Unum until January 6.  Bring in NEW socks, hats, gloves and other winter apparel. Collection boxes will be in the lobby, social studies breakout space, and cafeteria. Contact Daria Pietropaolo dpietropaolo17@concordcarlisle.org or Julia Branigan jbranigan19@concordcarlisle.org with any questions.

Holiday shopping made easy!  Show your CCHS Spirit this holiday with flannel pants, sweats, spirit shirts and tees.  You can view the collection at Click Here and buy online at Spiritwear.  Orders will be available for pick-up or delivery.  Order today!


Patriot Hoop Winter Vacation Clinic  December 27 – 29 at CCHS from 9:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. for boys in grades 3-8: $35 per day or $100 for all 3 sessions.  Join Head Coach David Cohen and the CCHS Varsity Coaching Staff for skills, games and lots of fun! Players should bring a snack and water bottle.  Please make checks payable to Patriot Basketball, Inc. and bring them with you to the first session. Completing this form Patriot Hoop Clinics – WinterVacation Clinic holds your child’s spot!  Contact Aaron Joncas at (508) 958-3278 or amjoncas@gmail.com for more information.

Christmas Tree Pickup: Saturday, January 7 (reserve by January 4) Every year, Holy Family Youth Ministry along with the Concord Boy Scouts collect trees after the holiday for disposal at the town composting site. The trees can only be picked up from Concord locations. Pickup Date: Saturday, January 7th. Pickup Time: Starts at 7:00am.  Cost: Suggested donation of $20-25, link to Paypal on registration or pay by cash/check Deadline for reservation to pick up your tree is Wednesday, January 4th by 5pm.  To reserve your slot, Please Register Here! **Apartment/Townhouse/Condo Residents – Please specify pickup location for your tree & leave your name on the tree.  If you have any questions please contact us at concordtreepickup@gmail.com or phone 978-505-4141.

Announcing the Cooler Concord Fair, CCHS, Saturday, February 4, 10am to 4pm The CCHS Green Team encourages all students and their parents to mark their calendars now to attend the Cooler Concord Fair – the Coolest event yet at CCHS! The Fair is led by Concord’s Sustainable Energy Committee and students at CCHS and Concord Public Schools. Come find out about simple and significant ways to save energy and money; connect with local experts about solar power, LED lighting and more; check out the new electric cars and ride our electric school bus! And talk with students from Willard, Thoreau and Alcott about their creative and compelling exhibits. There will be giveaways, activities for kids of all ages, and lots of delicious snacks. Students who would like to volunteer can contact Eliza Davidian at edavidian17@concordcarlisle.org.  Community service credit will be given. Parents can contact Jill Appel at jill.appel@comcast.net. Stay informed – Like us on Facebook at Cooler Concord!!!

Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School

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