AP Testing: All students taking AP exams, check CCHS Student News for important information about exam room locations, what to bring to exams, when to arrive, and attendance. Contact Ms. Fischer with any questions.

SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION for Class of 2016: Many of the deadlines are May 1 (the week we return from vacation) so please don’t wait to last minute to submit them. All scholarships have specific requirements so please read them carefully. If they need a transcript or letter of recommendation please request them from Mrs. Tessari ASAP.
Complete List of Scholarships as of 4/46/2016: ***Click Here for List***

Prom Information:

Prom Guest Form:

Eventbrite Link (TODAY, Monday, April 25):

Attention Class of 2016: You are invited to All Night Live, the epic all-night graduation party just for 2016 CCHS grads! Tickets are now on sale at http://www.cchsallnightlive.com! Buy before April 29 to be entered in the early-bird raffle for a chance to win $100! For more information please contact us at chairs@cchsallnightlive.com

Local college fairs (Updated) are taking place this spring and we wanted you to be aware of them. CCHS students and parents are welcome at these fairs. ***Please Click Here for List***

April Reading! When you check out a book from the Learning Commons, enter to win a drawing for a New York Times 3D reader! 5 3D readers will be given away every Friday for the entire month. See a librarian for details.

Interact Club is hosting a Children’s Carnival (K-8) on Sat April 30 from 10-2 on the grass field behind the football field for Save the Children – Syria. We will have carnival games, face painting stations, prizes, etc! We’re hoping for a great turn out so the fundraiser is huge success! We’re also looking for parent volunteers to help man the stations and clean-up/break down. Contact Ms. Wozniak or Lauren Backerman ’16 if interested!

Tickets for Phantom of the Opera are now ON SALE!!! Don’t miss your chance to get great seats to what is sure to be a sell out run of this phenomenal spectacle. Shows Dates are May 5, 6 and 7 at 7pm and May 8 at 2 pm. Tickets available here http://www.ticketstage.com/T/CCHS

CCHS Driver Education The Spring after-school class starts Thursday, May 5, 2:15-4:15, and meets Monday-Wednesday-Thursday through June 9. Students must be 15 years 9 months of age to begin. The required Parent Class should be taken early in the process of preparation for a Junior Operator license. The two hour course is offered each month, with upcoming courses on April 25, May 24 or June 20, 7-9 pm. Pre-registration is not required. There is no fee required for parents of students enrolled in CCHS Driver Education. The entire program consists of 30-hour classroom learning, 12 hours of behind-the-wheel training, 6 hours of in-car observation, and the parent class. The fee is $739, and it includes the RMV certification fee. Parents may pay in 2-3 installments if they wish. For more information please contact the Community Education office in the CCHS cafeteria, 978-318-1432, or online at www.ace.colonial.net.


Choosing a new Superintendent of Schools: 7:00-8:45 PM on April 27 at the Sanborn Middle School. Join the League of Women Voters of Concord-Carlisle in a discussion facilitated by Dr. Tom Scott, Executive Director, Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents, and William J. Hurley, Chair, School Committee, Lexington Public Schools. We will consider how the selection process works and the public’s role, while discussing our essential educational values. Choosing a leader to help our school community achieve its goals is central to our educational future. Please join us for a free event that is open to the public. Visit LWV of Concord-Carlisle at www.lwvcc.org. Please send any comments, questions, or feedback before or after the event toQuestions@lwvcc.org.

Concord Youth Theatre (CYT) will be hosting a multi-family tag sale on Saturday, April 30 from 8:00am to 1:00pm at their theater at 358 Baker Avenue in West Concord. All items have been donated by CYT families and will include kids’ games and puzzles, American Girl Dolls and clothing, vintage clothing, home decor items and household goods, kids’ sports equipment, books, furniture, tents, toys, bikes, bookshelves, baby equipment and crafting supplies. All proceeds from the event will benefit CYT For more information, call CYT at (978) 371-1482 or email concord_youth_theatre@concordyouththeatre.org. Rain date is May 1, 2016.

SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, MAY 15 What: The Thoreau School Road Race is May 15!
Get fit this spring at the Thoreau School’s 10th Annual Road Race, a community-wide celebration, Sunday, May 15! Start training now with the whole family for the Kids’ Fun Runs (.5 and 1 mile) and 5K followed by fun food, games, bouncy house, awards and more. Race, walk, jog or stroll, ALL are welcome! 11:00 am – 5K run through West Concord
Kids Fun Runs: 12:00 pm – 1 mile run 6+ GIRLS 12:15 pm – 1 mile run 6+ BOYS 12:30 pm – ½ mile run 5 and under
Register TODAY to avoid lines and save on the registration fee.
Go to https://thoreauschoolroadrace.itsyourrace.com/register All events take place at the Thoreau School. All proceeds go to benefit the Thoreau PTG.

In only 8 weeks, Emerson Hospital will host its 16th annual Run~Walk for Cancer at the Thoreau Club Outdoor Center in Concord!! We hope that you will join your many friends and neighbors in their support of Emerson’s cancer patients at this fun, family friendly event on June 4th. In addition to the run and walk, activities include swimming, tie dye, bounce house, field games, food, music and more! Visit www.emersonhospital.org/5k to register today!

Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School

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