Welcome to Health Services
Health Services Mission and Guidelines
Our mission is to support students' academic potential by promoting their physical, emotional, and social well-being through evidence-based practices.
The following information is intended to assist you throughout the school year with medical issues that might arise. These recommendations are intended to keep school-wide illness to a minimum and particularly to protect our medically fragile children.
When to Keep Your Student Home
This is always a difficult decision right before the school day starts. If your student had a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, or diarrhea and/or vomiting the night before, the student should stay home to allow them to recover.
Students should remain home until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
Diarrhea and/or vomiting
Students should remain home until they are eating a regular diet
and their bowels have returned to normal.
Contagious conditions, such as strep throat or conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Students must be taking antibiotics for a full 24 hours before returning to school.
Communicable & Other Infectious Diseases
If medically diagnosed illnesses such as Chickenpox, Measles, Tuberculosis, or Pertussis/whooping cough.
COVID-19, RSV, and Influenza
Students must stay home until student has been fever-free for 24
hours AND symptoms start to improve. Take other precautions for the next five days, including limiting close contact with others and consider wearing a mask. Masking is encouraged but not required.
Acute Pain
If a student requires narcotic medications for pain relief.
Uncontrollable Cough and/or unmanageable nasal discharge
If it will cause classroom distraction.
Undiagnosed Rash
When accompanied by illness symptoms.
Pink or Bloodshot Eyes
When accompanied with yellow or green drainage and/or crusty
Please notify the school nurse if any of the following occur:
If your student has an injury requiring physical restrictions (crutches, boots, splints, etc.) please inform your school nurse. A note from a medical provider may be needed depending on the injury and accommodations needed.
Please inform your school nurse as soon as possible if your student has been diagnosed with a concussion. The nurse will help to inform your student’s teachers and administrators regarding the injury and will work with you and your student to provide a successful return to school.
If your student requires an overnight stay in the hospital for any reason or was seen in the emergency room, please contact your school nurse to inform her of the hospitalization and the expected needs on return to school.
500 Walden St. Concord MA 01742
Office: 978-341-2932
Fax: 978-318-1413
Send Documents:
Please send all documents, such as student physicals, allergy action plans, asthma action plans, and medication orders to: