Sophomore Honors English

Screen Shot 2016-08-30 at 10.19.48 PM During the first three quarters of Sophomore Honors English, we will be reading a number of American works, including The Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, Ethan Frome, Song of Solomon, A Streetcar Named Desire, selections from Walden, and a number of contemporary short stories and poems.  Throughout, we will explore the way different writers have sought to represent aspects of the American experience: the dream that continues to draw people here, the influence of geography on our values, and the role that race and gender have played in our society.

During the last quarter, we will broaden our literary scope and read Othello, exploring some of the issues of identity we noted in American Literature and, at the same time, honing our skills at decoding difficult period language.  Our goals throughout are to become more thoughtful, attentive readers and more articulate, confident writers.