Senior English

For Students in grade 12 - (Required)

Prerequisites: English (H) requires a B- or higher in English 141 (H) or teacher recommendation; English (CP) requires completion of a Junior English course.

Senior English (CP & H): This course further expands students’ ability to use written expression for their expository, critical, and narrative essays. Students read from a variety of genres using a critical lens to forward analysis for class discussion and assignments outside of the classroom. Students participate in curriculum-centered activities that engage them in critical thinking, and technology serves as a tool in this course to forward projects, presentations, and writing assignments. The literature component of the senior year features all major genres.


Placement in Senior English for both current and incoming CCHS students is based on grades and teacher recommendation.

If a student is new to CCHS, the department also strongly recommends that he or she complete the following self-evaluation assessments:

Self Evaluation Questionnaire
Time Management Sheet

For Students in grade 12 - (Required)

All second-semester courses for seniors are designed to challenge and engage students of every reading and writing ability; each course offers a range of reading and writing assignments that will prepare students for their post-secondary experiences. These courses each invite seniors to consider the questions and issues that will engage them in life-long learning. Students are inspired to stretch their critical thinking skills and powers of inquiry.