Concord-Carlisle Community Buddy Program
Are you from CCHS? Would you like to be a virtual buddy for an elementary or middle school student and earn community service hours?
You will be paired up with an elementary or middle school student and meet over zoom with them every other week, or more if you would like to! The requirement for the program is to meet with your buddy at least once a month – the meeting times are flexible and based on whenever you and your buddy are free. The meetings will last anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour. You can write back and forth, talk, play virtual games, help with school work, and just be a friend.
If you are interested in being a buddy, fill out this google form before September 28. If it is after September 28 and you would like to be part of the program, please contact one of the emails below. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Thanks, Concord-Carlisle Community Buddy Program Leadership