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Carlisle Council on Aging
Agency Name: Carlisle Council on Aging
Commitment: Ongoing

Help with gardening, snow shoveling or yard work
Help a senior around their home
Stop in and visit a senior
Run errands for a senior
Help with mailings or other office support
Provide one-on-one computer training
Hold a car wash or bake sale to support the needs of seniors (donations to the Friends of the Carlisle Council on Aging)

Have a special talent you would like to share?  Please call the Carlisle Council on Aging to discuss.

An application is available on the web site:

Days/Times Needed: Call for times and specific projects
Additional Information: Fill out volunteer application form at Carlisle Town Hall
Street Address: Carlisle Town Hall
66 Westford Street
City, State: Carlisle, MA
Contact Phone: 978-371-2895