Lynne Beattie – K12 Digital Literacy
What is your favorite part of your job?
Helping teachers and students find ways to create, be more productive, and solve problems using technology.
Why did you decide to move to Digital Literacy?
I decided to move into digital literacy because I have always been inspired by what technology can do to engage learners and transform the learning experience. It was a big part of my own instructional practice as an elementary and middle school teacher and as a principal.
How would you summarize your teaching philosophy?
I love encouraging curiosity, and helping learners to develop the skills and habits of mind to think critically, be creative, and pursue challenges.
Why did you become a teacher?
I wanted to contribute to the development of lifelong learners, and to share the excitement brought about by the opportunity to strive for new knowledge knowing they have the capacity to meet with success.
What extracurricular activities are you involved with at CC?
None, but I facilitate the CMS Girls Who Code club.
What has been your biggest surprise at CC?
Not a surprise, but it’s been exciting to see firsthand the dedication and expertise of the high school faculty.
What is a piece of advice you have for students at CC?
Stay curious.
Describe your teaching style.
I try to let students work in an open-ended way and allow them choice to work on what they value.
What do you think is the greatest challenge facing students today?
The pace of our daily lives and the quantity of information and media coming at them causes information overload, and makes it difficult for them to know where to direct their focus and energy.
Something else you want to share?
I love being available to help faculty and students solve their tech puzzles. It’s been great to get to know many new people in my new role.