Fall 2017 Sport Practice Schedule Important Information CLICK HERE
Final exam schedule CLICK HERE
Community Service Opportunity at the Annual Library Book Sale on Saturday, June 3 (Rain Date June 10). Volunteers are needed and if you have just 2 hours, you can help! If Saturday does not work for you, we can use some set-up help on Friday afternoon, too. To volunteer and for more information on the various roles visit here!
Attention all Thoreau Seniors You are invited to our 10th annual Reception and Open House Honoring Thoreau Alumni from the CCHS class of 2017 Tuesday, May 30, 2:00-3:00 PM in the Thoreau School Library Hosted by the Thoreau School Staff.
Third Annual Reception and Open House Honoring Willard Alumni from CCHS Class of 2017 Tuesday, May 30, 2017 2:00-3:00 pm Willard School Library Hosted by Willard School Staff.
Class of 2017 – Borrowed Laptops due by Thursday, May 25 at 3:00 p.m! If your student is borrowing a laptop from CCHS, they need to return their laptop, protective case, and charger by Thursday, May 25 at 3:00 p.m. They can return their equipment in one of their Senior classrooms or the Learning Commons. They will need to fill out a short form to accompany the laptop. Equipment that is not returned on time will create charges to their student account. These charges must be cleared in order to participate in their graduation ceremony!
Scholarship Opportunities for the Class of 2017: CLICK HERE
Graduation Reception-Help needed It is a tradition at CCHS for the under classes to hold a graduation reception directly after the ceremony for graduating seniors and their guests. Graduation this year takes place on Saturday, June 3rd at 11:00 am. The reception is from 12:30 to 2:00 PM. Help is needed in many areas and we hope you will take a moment to either donate an item or volunteer your time! Please sign up here Class of 2018 Parent Board
Want to know what it’s like to run a 4-minute mile? On Wendesday 5/31 at 7pm, four elite runners will be speaking in the Learning Commons on the eve of the Martinez Classic: Kyle Merber (Personal best of 3:52.22 in the mile, World Relay Record-holder and World champion.); Donn Cabral (8x NCAA all-American, NCAA record-holder and 2x US Olympian); Nicole Tully (2015 USATF Champion in the 5000m); Cecelia Barowski: (personal best of 2:01.52 in the 800m).
Lace up your running shoes because it’s time for the 9th Annual Adrian Martinez Classic on Thursday, June 1 at Emerson Field in Concord. Run the 1-mile race in your age category, try the first-timer’s mile if you haven’t run a competitive mile before, gather a team for the friends & family 4 x 400 relay, or just cheer on the other racers. Community races for runners of all abilities start at 4:30 and elite races featuring several Olympic medalists and national record-holders start at 6:30. All funds raised through on-site donations, race entry fees, and sponsorship are split between the Adrian Martinez Scholarship Fund, which supports the college aspirations of CCHS students, and the CCHS Track & Field/Cross Country Program. Register to run at http://www.martinezclassic.com/services
For all local college fairs coming to the area CLICK HERE
Upcoming Adult & Community Educations programs: Click Here
Two summer opportunities for musicians, with IMSCC and Concord-Carlisle Community Education Click Here
Mediation and Facilitated Team Meetings New Date! Thursday, May 25 7:00-8:30pm CCHS Room, 206, Concord Presenter Mryto Flessas, Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA). Please join us for a presentation on Special Education Mediation and facilitated IEP Team Meetings by Myrto Flessas from the Bureau of Special Education Appeals (BSEA). A voluntary and confidential dispute settlement process, mediation sessions are conducted by BSEA mediators at no charge to the participants. Ms. Flessas will cover how and when to request a mediation as well as how to prepare for and what to expect from mediation at the BSEA. The presentation and Q&A will take place from 7-8:30pm. Join us after the presentation from 8:30-9pm for refreshments and additional conversation. For planning purposes, please RSVP: CLICK HERE
Milldam Nursery School will be hosting the 12th Annual Ducky Race & Fair on Saturday, June 3 at Emerson Playground. We are looking for CCHS students to volunteer for community service between the hours of 9:30 AM-12:30 PM. The event features the “Lucky Duck” raffle, a petting zoo, face painting and more. Proceeds support Milldam Nursery School enrichment and need-based scholarship programs. Please contact Mary Ellen Harney, maryellen@maryellenmills.com, 917.566.0173
The Willard Carnival will be held on Sunday, June 4 this year. Willard family and friends are really looking forward to playing over 30 games, enjoying snacks, a fabulous cake walk, and so much more! Each year we look forward to working with CCHS volunteers!! This year we need help with set up, running the booths and games, and breaking down the event. It is a great way to support the community and of course we are more than happy to sign off on any volunteer hours needed for school. Thank you to all the students who plan to come out to volunteer and support our community!! Please sign up with the link below: Click Here
Please join the Alcott community in honoring Superintendent Diana Rigby for her many years of service to our community on Tuesday, June 13 from 1:30-3:30 in the Alcott Cafeteria. Please feel free to bring your children and extend the invitation to past and present students, parents and teachers. Click on this link to RSVP to this event. We will be collecting notes of thanks and well wishes on Diana’s future endeavors.
Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School
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