Please join us at any of the following information session to learn more:
Wednesday, April 12: 9:30-11:00 AM, Ripley Conference Room 4 We urge all residents to be informed about the budgets and other articles and to attend Town Meeting to vote. Please email either School Committee with any questions: concordschoolcommittee@concordps.org or concordcarlisleschoolcommittee@concordcarlisle.org.
The AP pre-administration sessions are happening next week. The session that you signed up for should be at the bottom of your registration confirmation. Please be aware that two of the sessions needed to be cancelled, and emails were sent out to those registered. Sessions will be about 30 minutes long. Make all attempts to be at your scheduled time promptly, but if something comes up you can choose from the following list of sessions which are all at 2:15PM in Room 408: TODAY, Wednesday, April 12.
ATTENDANCE AT A PRE-ADMINISTRATION SESSION IS MANDATORY. You will not be able to take the AP exams should you not attend a session. Any questions please email abyron@concordcarlisle.org
Hoops for Heart: The 5th annual Hoops for Heart will take place in the Main Gym during all blocks on Thursday, April 13. There is 3 basketball competitions: Free throw (60 seconds), 3-point shot (45 seconds), and Larry Bird Challenge (lay-up, free throw, 3- point shot and 1/2 court shot in 30 seconds) and a jump rope competition. It costs $1 to enter a competition and all proceeds go to the American Heart Association. C.J. Israel will be selling Hoops For Heart t-shirts (short sleeve – $15, long sleeve – $20). Each block, there is a winner for each event and a prize is awarded (e.g., gift certificates to Dunkin’ Donuts, New London, Sorrentos, etc.). Students, faculty and staff are all welcome to participate. Last year we earned over $800 for the American Heart Association! Hoops for Heart is sponsored by the Health & Fitness Department.
Thomas Hicks (a CCHS grad 1989 and METCO student) will be speaking at CCHS in the Auditorium D & F blocks Monday, April 24. Hicks was appointed by Pres. Obama to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, an independent, bipartisan commission charged with developing standards for and guidance on our electoral system. He will be speaking about how he got involved in politics and the work he has done to improve our elections. All are welcome.
Reminder to all Seniors – The deadline for entering your Community Service hours is Friday, April 14. Please see this link http://2volunteeronline.org/ If you have questions, please see Ms. Hammer.
The Guidance and Counseling April Newsletter: CLICK HERE
NEW Scholarships Added: Acton Toyota of Littleton and CC Youth Hockey. All scholarship details can be viewed HERE Any question please contact Mrs. MacHaffie at amachaffie@concordcarlisle.org
Class of 2017 & Parents: Please make sure to check in with guidance counselors to let them know about admissions decisions. If you have questions or would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to reach out to set up a meeting.
Local COLLEGE FAIRS this spring: CLICK HERE for complete list
Attention, juniors and sophomores: Did you have a positive experience in your freshman advisory? Are you a confident leader, eager to help next year’s freshmen transition to CCHS? Then apply to become a freshman advisory leader!! We are currently seeking students to participate in next year’s freshman advisory program. You will work alongside another student and a faculty leader to support and guide members of the freshman class through their first year at CCHS. For more information, visit the Google form here: 2017 Freshman Advisory Leader Application
High School volunteers needed for Concord Recreation Egg Hunt on April 14. Volunteers needed 4:15-6:45 pm to spread 20,000 eggs assist the children in collecting the eggs and help with clean up. Student volunteer needed to wear the Concord Recreation camp mascot costume as well. Interested volunteers should contact Patti Doherty at 978-318-3045 or preferably email at pdoherty@concordma.gov
Class of 2018: Register for Get It Done: The College Application Program at The Fenn School. August 14-17, 9:30 am-12:30 pm or 5-8 pm. For more information or to register, go to www.fenn.org/getitdone
Join the People’s Climate March in DC: Saturday, April 29, 2017 Two buses from First Parish of Concord are being organized to the national Peoples Climate March on April 29 in Washington, DC. Cost is $110 per person (but only $30 for students!) and all are welcome — sign up at the link here! Buses depart at 10 pm Friday and return early Sunday morning. Be there for the biggest/most important climate march in history! (Questions to Kate Crosby at cfcrosby@gmail.com or Berni Jenkins at bernijenkins2@gmail.com.) See Mr. Nichol for more information.
Summer Camp Scholarships: There are scholarship opportunities for summer camp and summer extracurricular activities for Concord and Carlisle youth ages toddler to young adult. Please contact Bonny Wilbur, CC Community Services Coordinator, for more information and eligibility requirements at 978-318-3034 or bwilbur@concordma.gov. Please note that all Concord Recreation camp requests for financial assistance are processed through Concord Recreation at www.concordrec.com or 978-287-1050.
Will you join other area schools in a challenge to support cancer patients? The 17th annual Emerson Hospital 5k Run~Walk for Cancer will take place on Saturday, June 10, 8:30 am, at the Thoreau Outdoor Center in Concord. School groups are forming to participate – join a team at your school or start your own! It’s easy and fun! All proceeds benefit cancer patients at Emerson Hospital. Register today at: www.emersonhospital.org/5k or contact Christine Kielar at runwalk@emersonhospital.org with questions.
Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School
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