The English Department wishes to congratulate the following juniors – Erin Fitzgerald, Sylvie Weinstein and Aidan Zinck – for winning round one of the NCTE student writing contest. These three students will now go on to compete at the national level. Thank you to everyone who entered, and keep writing! 

Please come to the first Ruettgers Lecture of 2017: “A Brief History and Several Conjectures on a Writing Life.”Presented by Jennifer Funk, MFA.  Wednesday, January 25.  Refreshments at 2:15, Lecture at 2:30 in the CCTV studio. Space is limited—come early to get a seat! 

Softball Meeting Thursday, January 26 at 2:20 in room 445 for everyone interested in playing softball this spring!  If you are unable to attend or have any questions, please email Coach Lisa McGloin at lisa@mcgloinassociates.com, reach out to senior Emma Della Volpe (edellavolpe17@concordcarlisle.org), find Coach MC in room 445 in the science department  or Coach Brooks in the MARCC. 

2Volunteer is accepting applications for the President’s Volunteer Service Awards. Due date is Sunday, March 15, 2017. Please go to 2Volunteeronline.org for information about eligibility and requirements. Students are responsible for checking their school email accounts should 2Volunteer have any questions for candidates during the review process. 

CONCORD-CARLISLE HIGH SCHOOL BAND AND ORCHESTRA PROUDLY PRESENTS:PRISM 2017 Saturday, February 11 @ 7pm CCHS Auditorium The Concord-Carlisle High School Bands and Orchestra will present their annual PRISM Concert on Saturday, February 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium at Concord-Carlisle High School. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for students (K-12) and seniors. Tickets (reserved seating) are available at www.ticketstage.com (Search for Concord-Carlisle HS and Prism Concert 2017). Additional tickets may be available at the door but you should order online for the best options!  “PRISM” is a non-stop musical kaleidoscope, showcasing the talented student musicians of the Concord-Carlisle High School Bands and Orchestra.  A variety of musical styles and ensembles will be presented throughout the performing space, creating an interactive experience for the audience. This is an annual event to help support the Alfred W. Dentino Excellence in Music Fund.  This fund helps support the many needs of the program, including District and State fees and private lesson scholarships. 

AP Exam registration begins on Monday, January 30, 2017 at 7:00 AM and ends on Friday, February 10, 2017 at 10:00 PM. In order to register, students should visit www.TotalRegistration.net/AP/220645  We strongly recommend that parents and students are both present while registering to ensure that the correct exams are ordered.Here are the important dates for the registration process:
Monday, January 30, 2017 at 7:00 AM – Registration Begins
Friday, February 10, 2017 at 10:00 PM – Registration Closes
Monday, February 13, 2017 at 10:00 PM – All Payments Due – Registrations that are not paid for will be cancelled and exams will not be ordered.Please contact Ms. Amy Byron, abyron@concordcarlisle.org, if you have any questions. 


Scholarship Opportunities for the Class of 2017CLICK HERE 

AUDITION MATERIALS FOR SPAMALOT ARE AVAILABLE The website is being moody and keeps timing out so here is the link to the audition materials and instructions.

The Denis Cleary Moot Court Competition will commence with all deliberate speed.  If you are interested, sign up sheets will be available outside the Social Studies office.  They are due Thursday, January 26 by the end of the day.  If you have any questions, see Ms. Fox or Ms. Davies in the Social Studies department. 

Friday, January 27, there is a mandatory meeting for all boys interested in playing tennis for the CCHS boys’ teams in 2017. The meeting will run from 2:45-3:30pm in room 332. Please review the Meeting Agenda.

WINTER FEST, all school danceSaturday, January, 28, 7:30-10:00pm CCHS Dining Commons – It’s going to be a fun event and the perfect way for kids to celebrate the winter season and end of mid terms! Be sure to purchase tickets soon: Purchase tickets We need parents to make this happen.  Please consider helping in some way – decorating, chaperoning, check-in, food or gift card donations… Sign up to help or contribute 


On January 30 from 7 pm to 9pm, the 1st Wheelhouse Thought Series presents the movement from Survive to Thrive in teens/20s lives. It aims to present solutions to digital addiction, dopamine dependence and numbing when bored as it picks up where Screenagers leaves off.  The event will begin with a group viewing of Simon Sinek’s “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hER0Qp6QJNU” viral video and progress to discussion. Young adults, including CCHS graduates, who have their unique perspectives will join in the conversation. In conclusion Jessica Morey of iBme, Doug Worthen at Middlesex School, Rose Pavlov of Ivy Child and Susan Reynolds of ABC Legacy and http://susanreynolds.org/ will offer suggestions on the topic of “Mindfulness in the Digital Age” as a first step. To Register. Any questions please contact Susan Reynolds at ssreynolds08@gmail.com

You’re invited to Concord-Carlisle Community Chest’s first-ever non-profit innovation challenge called “adVentures in Philanthropy” on Tuesday, February 7 at 7:30 at the Fenn School.  Local non-profits have proposed exciting new initiatives to meet human services needs in Concord and Carlisle with three selected to present their program to a panel of five community leaders with the chance to secure a share of up to $30,000 in funding.  WE NEED YOUR HELP!  The event will include both an adult and student Fan Favorite.  Adults and students will have an opportunity to vote and award their favorite presenting non-profit $1,000.  Register today for this FREE community event by visiting our web site at http://www.cccommunitychest.org/  or call978-369-5250 to reserve your ticket. 

Patriot Hoop Clinics will host a 3-day February Vacation Jam at Concord-Carlisle High School on February 21 – 23. Register here: Patriot Hoop Clinics FebruaryVacation Jam Clinics run from 9:00 -11:45 daily and are $35 per day or $100 for all three days for boys in grades 3-8.  Register to hold your spot and then pay at the door. Checks payable to Patriot Basketball, Inc. 

Basic Rights in Special Education (Free Workshop) | Thursday, January 26 | 7-9pm Workshop/Q&A, Parent Mingle 6:30pm.  CCHS Learning Commons, Presenter Seetha Burtner. Presented by the Federation for Children with Special Needs, the workshop will provide a basic understanding of the complex special education laws and procedures. It is designed to help parents learn how to be effective partners with their child’s school – and to plan, make decisions and monitor their child’s progress in school. Learn your rights and responsibilities under Massachusetts Education Law. Hosted by the Concord Carlisle Regional SEPAC. For planning purposes an RSVP is appreciated but not required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/basic-rights- workshop-tickets-30853873767 

The Cooler Concord Fair, CCHS, February 4, 10am to 4pm  Everything is coming together for the Cooler Concord Fair! Highlights include 10 robust exhibits staffed by local experts to help you save energy and money; inspiring exhibits by students from Willard, Thoreau, Alcott, CMS and Nashoba Brooks; information-packed workshops on solar power, heat pumps, earth-friendly landscaping and Massachusetts energy goals and strategies; and amazing activities for kids ages 2 to 12. Not to mention the new Chevy Volt and Prius Prime, rides on the electric school bus, and a free raffle with lots of chances to win! Stop by for an hour or stay all day. RSVP Today at www.coolerconcord.org. See you there! 

Talk Saves Lives: A Brief Introduction to Suicide Prevention: February 2 CC Youth Services and the Center for Parents and Teachers invite all interested adults to a free “Lunch and Learn” program on Thursday, Feb 2 from 11:30 to 1:00 pm on the topic:  “Talk Saves Lives: A Brief Introduction to Suicide Prevention”. Participants will learn the warning signs and risk factors of suicide and how, together, we can help prevent it. In order to plan for lunch and materials, RSVP is required. Please email jclarke@concordma.gov. Free light lunch provided. Location: Ripley Building, 120 Meriam Road. 

Volunteer Opportunities  Cooler Concord Fair, CCHS, February 4th, 10am to 4pm. Students who would like to volunteer for the Cooler Concord Fair should contact Eliza Davidian right away at edavidian17@concordcarlisle.org. Community service credit will be given.





Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School