Nurturing the Well-balanced Student, Debunking the College Myth Join Dr. Denise Pope, of Stanford University, at CCHS Auditorium, January 23, 7:00 PM as she examines the tension that students, teachers, and families often experience surrounding the culture of competition and offers research-based tools for creating a healthier community of learners.  Parents/guardians of students in grades 8-12,and for interested community members are all welcome.  Register for this free event: HERE  Did you know? 62% of CCHS students report having experienced somewhat high or very high levels of stress (YRBS 2016) 48% of CCHS students reported that a stress-related health or emotional problem caused them to miss more than one days of school in the past month (Stanford Survey 2016) 67% of CCHS students reported that school work often or always kept them from getting enough sleep (Stanford Survey 2016).

Calling all CCHS bakers, we need you.  If you are able to donate homemade cookies or brownies to the teachers lunch on Monday, please sign up here.

Please CLICK HERE for Mid Term Exam. 

AUDITION MATERIALS FOR SPAMALOT ARE AVAILABLE The website is being moody and keeps timing out so here is the link to the audition materials and instructions. 

Do you need to blow off some steam during Mid-Year Exam week??? The Health & Fitness Department will be offering open gyms during the extended exam time (after the exam block ends at 9:10 and 1:10) as well as during lunch.  Students and faculty are welcome to come shoot hoops in the upper gym, workout in the fitness center or hang out and play ping-pong or corn-hole in the “lounge” (aka: multipurpose room) as long as they are wearing proper attire (main gym: sneakers/athletic shoes (street shoes (especially boots) are not allowed as they damage the wood floor); fitness center: full change of clothing to workout; lounge (multipurpose room): come as you are (no change of clothes or shoes required).

WINTER FEST, all school dance!  Saturday, January, 28, 7:30-10:00pm CCHS Dining Commons – It’s going to be a fun event and the perfect way for kids to celebrate the winter season and end of mid terms! Be sure to purchase tickets soon: Purchase tickets We need parents to make this happen.  Please consider helping in some way – decorating, chaperoning, check-in, food or gift card donations… Sign up to help or contribute 


Reminder to all students: Please check your class attendance on Aspen and clear up any unexcused class absences before the end of the quarter to avoid credit reduction on your Qtr. 2 report card.  Please see Mrs. Merry, in the main office, with any questions.

Please come to the first Ruettgers Lecture of 2017: “A Brief History and Several Conjectures on a Writing Life.”Presented by Jennifer Funk, MFA.  Wednesday, January 25.  Refreshments at 2:15, Lecture at 2:30 in the CCTV studio. Space is limited—come early to get a seat!

The Denis Cleary Moot Court Competition will commence with all deliberate speed.  If you are interested, sign up sheets will be available outside the Social Studies office.  They are due Thursday, January 26 by the end of the day.  If you have any questions, see Ms. Fox or Ms. Davies in the Social Studies department. 

THE ETIQUETTE ACADEMY OF NEW ENGLAND  The 5-day & 8-week etiquette program for grades 9-12 cover topics such as improving social and communication skills, projecting confidence, combating shyness, strengthening self-esteem and leadership skills, navigating friendships, resolving conflict, understanding social cues, basic manners, table manners, and more.   Our 8-week winter session begins on January 21!  Enroll before it’s too late at theetiquetteacademy.org or call 617-608-3920.

Environmental Field Studies Group Terracyle campaign for dental products:  Please bring empty toothpaste tubes and dental floss boxes to CCHS Terracyle collection bins in the lobby on the 2nd floor.  Help us earn double points by January 21 and donate all proceeds to Charity Water, dedicated to providing clean drinking water to people in developing countries. http://www.charitywater.org/about/   Simple acts save lives!Any questions, please contact Priscilla Guiney, pguiney@concordcarlisle.org ,Peter Nichol, pnichol@concordcarlisle.org or Nora Murphy, nmurphy@concordcarlisle.org

Concord Youth Theatre’s, “Ice Capella” concert will be held January 20, 7:30pm at CCHS Auditorium.  This seasonal favorite will include a variety of regional high school and college a capella vocal groups. Featured acts include Aural Fixation (Boston University), Euphoria (Lexington High School), A*Choired Taste, Accent A Cappella and The Acafellas (Lincoln/Sudbury High School), Town Criers (Weston High School), Northern Lights (Newton North High School), and Testostertones and Madrigals (Wayland High School). Come hear local a capella groups perform your favorite oldies and top ten songs! Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the door, or online at www.concordyouththeatre.org. For additional information, call the CYT box office at 978-371-1482.

Calling chess players of ALL ages! The Concord-Carlisle Chess Club starts again on Sunday, January 22 from 2-5 pm at the Harvey Wheeler Community Center. Join us to learn to improve your game and practice playing! Contact Concord-Carlisle Adult & Community Education at www.ace.colonial.net or call 978-318-1432.

VINCENZO’S On Tuesday, January 24 from 5pm-9pm, Vincenzo’s Restaurant of West Concord is donating a portion of its proceeds for the CCHS Interact Club to donate teddy bears to the Concord and Carlisle Police and Fire Departments for displaced children. Please have a nice night out for a good cause and come eat at Vincenzo’s! With any questions, please contact Daria Pietropaolo at dpietropaolo17@concordcarlisle.org.

Friday, January 27, there is a mandatory meeting for all boys interested in playing tennis for the CCHS boys’ teams in 2017. The meeting will run from 2:45-3:30pm in room 332. Please review the Meeting Agenda.


Patriot Hoop Clinics will host a 3-day February Vacation Jam at Concord-Carlisle High School on February 21 – 23. Register here: Patriot Hoop Clinics FebruaryVacation Jam
Clinics run from 9:00 -11:45 daily and are $35 per day or $100 for all three days for boys in grades 3-8.  Register to hold your spot and then pay at the door. Checks payable to Patriot Basketball, Inc.  

Basic Rights in Special Education (Free Workshop) | Thursday, January 26 | 7-9pm Workshop/Q&A, Parent Mingle 6:30pm.  CCHS Learning Commons, PresenterSeetha Burtner. Presented by the Federation for Children with Special Needs, the workshop will provide a basic understanding of the complex special education laws and procedures. It is designed to help parents learn how to be effective partners with their child’s school – and to plan, make decisions and monitor their child’s progress in school. Learn your rights and responsibilities under Massachusetts Education Law. Hosted by the Concord Carlisle Regional SEPAC. For planning purposes an RSVP is appreciated but not required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/basic-rights-workshop-tickets-30853873767

The Concord Conservatory of Music  presents an entertaining, friendly and a great way to learn an easy, travel friendly instrument, the Ukulele. The Ukulele Crash Course on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm is for teens and adults. For those who have already mastered the basics of the ukulele, the CCM Ukulele Club (Tuesdays at 7:00 pm) works on expanding their skills. CCM group lessons for the spring semester begins on Tuesday, January 17th.

Attached is a press release regarding the CCM Ukulele classes. Thank you in advance for sharing with your students and their families.  For information on these offerings, please call 978-369-0010, visit our website at www.Concordconservatory.org or email info@ConcordConservatory.org.






Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School

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