Principal’s Blog: Kicks for Cancer, Activities Fair, Internship, Hackathon & Much More
Freshmen Volleyball practice is canceled for TODAY, Monday, September 26 and Tuesday, September 27, practice will resume on Wednesday at the regular time 2:45
Morning Discussion with the CCHS Guidance Department
On Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 8:00 am in the Learning Commons there will be a parent discussion for Senior parents, Class of 2017. The topics that will be discussed are college related: Where Seniors should be in the process, Resources (Naviance, Post-Secondary Planning Guide, counseling website, counselors), Record Release Forms, and more. This is a follow up to the evening program. Click Here for ALL Class of 2017 News from Guidance
College Mini-Fairs This Week! Representatives from the following colleges and career options will be available on Thursday, September 29, 2016 from 11:00-12:45 in the CCHS Lobby. Bard College; Boston College; Bryn Mawr College; Claremont McKenna College; Curry College; Florida Atlantic Univ.; Gettysburg College; Hamilton College; Lasell College; McGill University; Middlesex Community College; Oberlin College; Pace Univ.; Saint Anselm College; Sewanee; Stony Brook Univ.; Tufts Univ.; Tulane Univ.; Univ. of Maryland; Univ. of Rhode Island All students are welcome!Complete list of colleges coming to CCHS this fall: Click Here
Community Service Opportunity: Earn community service hours in the Teen Buddies Program! We need you to be a mentor and be a friend a younger child. Teen Buddies meets twice a month, on Wednesdays from October – May at Alcott School. In order to apply, you must attend an INFO meeting on Today, September 27th at 2:20 PM in the Learning Commons Library. Email jvitello@concordps.org with questions
Model UN: Want to talk about what’s going on the world? Come to Model UN every Wednesday from 2:15 – 3:15 in Room 340 to discuss current international events, like Syria, ISIS, or the spread of Zika. All are welcome! See Ms. Fischer or email Eleanor Mathias (emathias17@concordcarlisle.org) for more information.
An informational meeting about the senior internship program with the program coordinator, Peter Bagley of Babson College, will be held on Wednesday, September 28 at 7pm in the CCHS Learning Commons. More information about the program can be found here. If you are interested in signing up for the program, fill out this form.
Interested in Biodiversity, Biostatistics and Mayan Culture??? Come hear about this opportunity to do field work in Quintana Roo, Mexico with Ms. Kiesselbach, Ms. Haupt and Dan Bisaccio of Brown University over February Break (when the weather is dry and beautiful!)
Dan will be joining us for an information session for interested students and parents Thursday, Sept 29 7pm room 418 Click here for more info.
Juniors and Sophomores – Registration for the PSATs is now available. We are using a new registration service this year, Total Registration, which can be found at this link PSAT registration fee will be $35. Please follow the directions online for payment information and do not send payments to the school. Please keep in mind that, should you qualify for them, any testing accommodations need to be applied for with Mr. Rudmann in the Guidance Office. Should you fail to apply with Mr. Rudmann you will not be receiving any testing accommodations at the time of the exam. Registration will close at 10/07/16 at 7:00 PM. Please put these dates on your calendars. If you have any questions, please contact me at abyron@concordcarlisle.org.
Do you want to take advantage of an amazing opportunity to live and study for one month in Hokkaido, Japan? Apply for the 2017 William Wheeler Exchange! Each year, one student from Nanae High School will come to live in Concord, Carlisle or Boston and attend classes at C..C.HS for the month of September. In turn, one CCHS student will travel to Nanae in July (which is still part of the Japanese school year) to live and study there for a month. We are now accepting applications for that CCHS student, and will be doing so until October 3 (sorry, no extensions). For more information, and application materials, please email dnurenberg@concordcarlisle.org
2Volunteer announces that the fall deadline for the Presidential Service Awards is September 30, 2016. Students who qualify for an award will receive notification to their school email address by October 15th and receive the actual award at Class Act Award Night in the spring. For information about the Awards, including what qualifies as eligible service, please go to our website 2volunteeronline.org.
Apply for the prestigious Fall Ruettgers Seminar! Exploring Latin America through Cooking and Culture (2.5 Course Credits) Hands-on cooking of amazing food from different countries of Latin America. Enjoy a variety of Latin music, history and geography, and dancing! Submit a one-page written or visual statement about your interest in Latin American culture to Sra. Cahill or Dr. Loprete. Deadline: 7:30 a.m. September 30, 2016. No late submissions will be considered.
The Concord Lions Club is looking for volunteers to help with setup, car registration, parking control, and other activities during the Third Annual Classic Car Show on
Sunday, October 2, 2016 in the parking lot of CareOne (57 ORNAC, directly across from Emerson Hospital). Volunteers are needed 7:30 am to 2:00 pm, with particular need during the morning. Volunteers should specify hours that they are available when applying. Please contact volunteer@lionsofconcord.org if you are interested.
Carlisle has the third largest carbon footprint in the state and falls within the 20 least sustainable towns in the USA. On 29th September at 7pm at the Gleason Library, Carlisle there will be a discussion on the ways individuals can reduce carbon usage, and what we, as a community, can do to become more sustainable, as well as reduce our own energy bills. Transportation is one of our main problems and Janne Corneil will present efforts by the City of Somerville and Audi to plan for a future with autonomous vehicles, car sharing and on demand services and will discuss future opportunities and challenges for suburban towns. For more details see Green Carlisle MA Facebook page.
Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School
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