If you were unable to attend the Awards Ceremony and Class Act, please pick up your award in the Main Office.
Next Year’s Schedules: Here’s what you can do if you still want something fixed on your schedule. Email your counselor ASAP. Please be very specific with your requests. Schedules will be republished with updates on Friday, June 3, 2016.
ATTENTION SENIORS: ALL NIGHT LIVE tickets are now $75. Eventbrite Link: https://allnightlive2016.eventbrite.com All Night Live 2016 is the all-night, substance-free, post-graduation celebration exclusively for CCHS ‘16 graduates, held at CCHS on graduation night. This is the 26th year of this amazing tradition!  We hope to see you all there!
Seniors, if you have signed up for the Canobie Lake Park trip on Friday, June 3, please know that the buses will meet at the front of the school at 9:00amDo not be late; we will not wait for missing students.
VHS Summer Program: Interested in learning more about a topic that you either haven’t had time to take or perhaps you want to learn more about?  Consider taking a Virtual High School Summer Course!  Courses begin on June 22nd and July 25th, and run for either 4 or 8 weeks.  Some sample offerings: Mission to the ISS, An Introduction to Neuroscience, and CAD design.  Visit the VHS website (thevirtualhighschool.org/summer) to see a full list of summer offerings.  If you are interested, please see Laurelle Mathison in the guidance office as soon as possible so you don’t miss out on this opportunity.

ATTENTION THOREAU SCHOOL ALUMNI CLASS OF 2016!  You are invited to our 9th annual reception and open house honoring Thoreau Alumni from the CCHS Class of 2016 Wednesday, June 1st, 2016 3:30-4:30 PM in the Thoreau School Library. Hosted by the Thoreau School Staff. Please pass on this information to any class of 2016 CCHS graduates.

CCHS Varsity Cheerleading tryouts will be held Wednesday June 1 in the high school gymnasium, 3-6 pm.  All students with gymnastic, dance or cheer background are urged to tryout.  Tryout attire is black shorts and a white shirt, hair pulled back. For more information please contact Coach Sullivan at mmobear@aol.com
Graduation FAQ’s: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aLVFPgso-tr4Ebg-KjO9Ek2ssPfztfUB4AyroOKqT78

Urgent need for volunteers for the Concord Museum 2016 Garden Tour Friday, June 3 and Saturday, June 4! Contact carolynmyers2003@yahoo.com or visit http://2volunteeronline.org/
Honoring Mr. Bob Lemaire Long time Thoreau Elementary teacher Bob Lemaire is leaving his full time classroom position at the end of this school year.  The Thoreau PTG is collecting letters to Mr. Lemaire from former students and families to honor his near 50 years of dedication to the Thoreau School.  Please send emails, letters or draw a picture that highlights the theme “What Mr. Lemaire Taught Me.”  Favorite memories and/or photographs are also welcome. Send emails to rswain@concordps.org or mail to Thoreau School PTG, 29 Prairie St., Concord, MA 01742.  Items can also be dropped off at the Thoreau School main office.  All items due by Friday June 10.  

The CCHS School Advisory Council has two parent representative positions open beginning at the start of the 2016-2017 school year.  If you would like to volunteer for this role, please contact president@cchspa.org.  In the event that there are more than two people interested, an election, conducted by the CCHS Parents Association and open to all CCHS families, will be held to select the two representatives.

The CCHS SAC is composed of four teachers, five parents, two students, one member of the school support staff, one member of the community-at-large and the Principal. Council members serve two-year terms and act in an advisory capacity to assist the school Principal in adopting educational goals for the school, identifying the educational needs of students attending the school, reviewing the annual school budget and formulating a school improvement plan. Meetings, which are open to the public, are held once a month in the main office conference room. The dates of meetings are published in the monthly CCHS newsletter which is posted on the Concord-Carlisle High School website. Periodic reports from the Council, as well as information about annual elections are also published in the CCHS newsletter.


Class of 2017: There are still a few slots available for Get It Done: The College Application Camp at The Fenn School. August 15-18, 1-4 pm or 5-8 pm.  To register now or get more information, go to www.fenn.org/getitdone

The 8th Annual Adrian Martinez Classic will take place on Thursday, June 2 at 4:30 pm on the Track at Emerson Field in Concord, MA. The event is both an elite meet featuring Olympians and Olympic hopefuls, and an evening of mile races for all ages and abilities. All proceeds support the Adrian A. Martinez Scholarship Fund and the CCHS Track & Field and Cross-Country programs. There are mile races for every age division from 8-under to 60+. There is even a first-timers mile for those who have never raced a mile on the track. In this, an Olympic year, the fastest milers in the nations will be coming to Concord! Register at http://www.martinezclassic.com, run a mile to support a good cause, and stay to watch some great racing!
Milldam Nursery School will be hosting the 11th Annual Ducky Race & Fair on Saturday, June 11, 2016 at Emerson Playground. We are looking for CCHS students to volunteer for three hours of community service, 9:15 am – 12:15 pm. The event features the “Lucky Duck” raffle, a petting zoo, train rides, face painting and more. Proceeds support Milldam Nursery School enrichment and need-based scholarship programs. Please contact Mary Ellen Harney, maryellen@maryellenmills.com, 917.566.0173







Martha A. Hammer

Administrative Assistant

Concord-Carlisle Regional High School




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