CCHS 1:1 Parent Information Night on TONIGHT, May 11, from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM in the CCHS Auditorium. Please click here for important information regarding the 1:1 Apple laptop program for the Fall of 2016.

Seniors!  Sign up for the Prifti Day of Service now! The Prifti Day of Service is an event that lets students make a meaningful impact in their community through a variety of projects. Students will meet at 9:30 am in the front of the school on Friday, May 27 and join your group. Students can sign up and choose a project at http://goo.gl/forms/YeZCWHIaIz, but act quickly because certain events have limited spots. Once the spots are full, the option will no longer be accessible on the form. This is a mandatory event, but what better way to celebrate the last day of your senior year?! 

Senior Week: Don’t forget to sign-up for Senior Week activities. Deadline is May 13!!

TUXEDO PICKUP For all those who rented tuxedos from Formal Wear Ltd., pickup will be Thursday, May 12 starting at 2:00 pm in the Dining Commons.

Prom goers – The Class of 2018 is hosting a pre-prom reception at CCHS on Saturday, May 14. Please come at 5 p.m. for light refreshments and a chance to take pictures before heading off to the prom at 6 p.m. Contact Cynthia Rainey at cynthia@kacher.net with questions.

The final round of the Denis Cleary Moot Court Competition will be held Monday, May 16 at 7:15 in the Learning Commons.  Johanna O’Neil and Scout Boynton will be arguing against Daniel Lu and Cole Winstanley before Judge Cratsley, Judge Lauriat, and Justice Lenk.  All are welcome.

Please Support the Red Cross Club with their “Relief Fundraiser.” Together with the Ninety Nine Restaurant, on Tuesday, May 17, from 5-9pm, we will be raising money to support those in need of food and shelter. Please present a voucher to the Ninety Nine Restaurant in West Concord, and 15% of your bill will be donated to your local Red Cross Chapter. You can pick up the vouchers in the main office at CCHS, or print one out from this link…https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5YT9Q7PyojEc1NpRWVQc3ZPSG1SUlZwbXkzcEZ3alo3Z0pj/view?usp=sharing. You may also make a check out to “CCHS”, leave it in an envelope in the main office with your name and email address on it, and we will pick up a gift card from the restaurant for the amount on your check. We will email you when the gift card is ready for you to pick up at the main office.  

Make a donation to All Night Live and you could win 4 Red Sox Tickets!  Simply make a donation to All Night Live by May 20 and you’ll be entered in a raffle to win 4 tickets to see the Red Sox play the Baltimore Orioles June 14th (loge seats on the first base line!).  Your donation will help defray the cost of producing the event and will allow us to provide financial assistance to students in need.  Donate at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/donate-to-all-night-live-2016-tickets-21355023450  Thank you to the Dangel family for donating this great prize!

Graduation FAQ’s: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aLVFPgso-tr4Ebg-KjO9Ek2ssPfztfUB4AyroOKqT78

Local college fairs (Updated) are taking place this spring and we wanted you to be aware of them. CCHS students and parents are welcome at these fairs.  ***Please Click Here for List***

The Concord-Carlisle AFS Chapter is seeking families to host exchange students for the 2016-2017 school year. Please contact Rick & Peggy Briggs at rdbriggsjr@gmail.com. More information is available at www.afsusa.org/host-family.

CCHS Driver Ed make-up classes
Do you need to make up one of the 15 classroom sessions before the year ends? Classes meet in room 351, 2:15-4:15 pm. #2, May 9; #3, May 11; #4, May 12; #5, May 16; #6, May 18; #7, May 19; #8, May 23; #9, May 25; #10, May 26; #11, June 1; #12, June 2; #13, June 6; #14, June 8; #15, June 9.
Next CCHS Driver Ed classes:
Summer 1, Monday-Friday, June 27-July 1, 9 AM-3:30 PM
Summer 11, Monday-Thursday, July 5 (Tuesday)-July 28, 6:00-8:00 PM
Summer 111, Monday-Friday, August 22-26, 9:00 AM-3:30 PM
Next CCHS Driver Ed Parent Class
Tuesday, May 24, 7-9 PM  #4668
Driver Education information: www.ace.colonial.net > “downloads” on lower left of homepage.


SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, MAY 15 What: The Thoreau School Road Race is May 15! Get fit this spring at the Thoreau School’s 10th Annual Road Race, a community-wide celebration, Sunday, May 15!  Start training now with the whole family for the Kids’ Fun Runs (.5 and 1 mile) and 5K followed by fun food, games, bouncy house, awards and more.  Race, walk, jog or stroll, ALL are welcome! 11:00 am – 5K run through West Concord Kids Fun Runs: 12:00 pm – 1 mile run 6+ GIRLS 12:15 pm – 1 mile run 6+ BOYS 12:30 pm – ½ mile run 5 and under Register TODAY to avoid lines and save on the registration fee.  All events take place at the Thoreau School.  All proceeds go to benefit the Thoreau PTG.

Emerson Hospital, in collaboration with the Town of Concord and area schools, law enforcement and youth services invites you to a Community Forum:  The Rising Opioid Epidemic in Our Community – an evening of Prevention, Collaboration and Education.  Join us at the Concord-Carlisle High School Auditorium on Monday, May 16, 6:00-9:00 pm (doors open at 5:30pm) to learn how prescription drug abuse and opioid addiction affects all members of our community; the facts about the disease of addiction, trends in our community, options for treatment and the realities of recovery; and how community prevention is a vital component of the solution.  This event is free and open to all – no reservations are required.  For more information, please email opioidforum@emersonhosp.org.

In only 3 weeks, Emerson Hospital will host its 16th annual Run~Walk for Cancer at the Thoreau Club Outdoor Center in Concord!!  We hope that you will join your many friends and neighbors in their support of Emerson’s cancer patients at this fun, family friendly event on June 4th In addition to the run and walk, activities include swimming, tie dye, bounce house, field games, food, music and more!  Visit www.emersonhospital.org/5k to register, volunteer or donate today!

Milldam Nursery School will be hosting the 11th Annual Ducky Race & Fair on Saturday, June 11, 2016 at Emerson Playground. We are looking for CCHS students to volunteer for three hours of community service, 9:15 am – 12:15 pm. The event features the “Lucky Duck” raffle, a petting zoo, train rides, face painting and more. Proceeds support Milldam Nursery School enrichment and need-based scholarship programs. Please contact Mary Ellen Harney, maryellen@maryellenmills.com, 917.566.0173

Class of 2017 – want to get a head start on your college applications before the fall?  Register for Get It Done: The College Application Camp at The Fenn School. August 15-18, 1-4pm or 5-8pm.  For more information or to register, go to www.fenn.org/getitdone

Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School
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