SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION for Class of 2016: Many of the deadlines are May 1 (the week we return from vacation) so please don’t wait to last minute to submit them. All scholarships have specific requirements so please read them carefully. If they need a transcript or letter of recommendation please request them from Mrs. Tessari ASAP.
Complete List of Scholarships as of 4/15/2016: ***Click Here for List***
Prom Information:
Prom Guest Form:
Eventbrite Link (TODAY, Monday, April 25):
Attention Class of 2016: You are invited to All Night Live, the epic all-night graduation party just for 2016 CCHS grads! Tickets are now on sale at http://www.cchsallnightlive.com! Buy before April 29 to be entered in the early-bird raffle for a chance to win $100! For more information please contact us at chairs@cchsallnightlive.com
Local college fairs (Updated) are taking place this spring and we wanted you to be aware of them. CCHS students and parents are welcome at these fairs. ***Please Click Here for List***
April Reading! When you check out a book from the Learning Commons, enter to win a drawing for a New York Times 3D reader! 5 3D readers will be given away every Friday for the entire month. See a librarian for details.
Interact Club is hosting a Children’s Carnival (K-8) on Sat April 30 from 10-2 on the grass field behind the football field for Save the Children – Syria. We will have carnival games, face painting stations, prizes, etc! We’re hoping for a great turn out so the fundraiser is huge success! We’re also looking for parent volunteers to help man the stations and clean-up/break down. Contact Ms. Wozniak or Lauren Backerman ’16 if interested!
Tickets for Phantom of the Opera are now ON SALE!!! Don’t miss your chance to get great seats to what is sure to be a sell out run of this phenomenal spectacle. Shows Dates are May 5, 6 and 7 at 7pm and May 8 at 2 pm. Tickets available here http://www.ticketstage.com/T/CCHS
Student Health 101: The April 15 issue of CCHS Student Health 101 is now ready – check it out and enter this month’s drawing for $100: http://getsh101.com/concordcarlisle.html Topics include: Retrain your brain: How to do what you think you can’t, Motivation fail?: 6 ways to fix it, The truth about weed: What it does and why it matters and much more…
For youth ages 3-15 years, there are scholarship opportunities for summer camp and summer extracurricular activities for Concord and Carlisle residents. Please contact Aileen Buford, MSW, the Concord Carlisle Community Services Coordinator, for more information and eligibility requirements. 978.318.3034 or abuford@concordma.gov. Application deadline TODAY, April 25.
Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School
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