Reminder to all students: To avoid credit reduction please check your attendance in Aspen and clear up any unexcused absences before the quarter ends on Friday, April 1. Please see Mrs. Merry with any attendance questions.
REMINDER TO ALL SENIORS — Please have all your Community Service hours entered by Friday, April 15, 2016. Please click here to enter hours! If you need help, please see Mrs. Hammer.
Class of 2016 Scholarships: ***Click Here for List***
Class of 2017 Parent Discussion Thursday, March 31, 8:00 am to 9:30 am. Join the CCHS Guidance & Counseling Department for a follow-up discussion to the Junior Night Program held in January. Topic of discussion will be around the college process.
Local college fairs (Updated) are taking place this spring and we wanted you to be aware of them. CCHS students and parents are welcome at these fairs. ***Please Click Here for List***
The HYPNOTIST is coming back to CCHS! Don’t miss out on this annual event, which will take place in the Auditorium next Friday, April 1 at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $10 online using the link below and $15 the door. Don’t wait because they will sell out quickly! Additionally, if you are interested in being hypnotized, please fill out the waiver which is on the CCHS Student News and put it in the bin in office next to the Earth Science room (401B). CLICK HERE FOR TICKETS Parent volunteers are needed, please contact Erin Duggan at ecduggan@comcast.net if you would like to help out.
The MARLEY DIAS BOOK DRIVE ends on 3/31: Please join us and the Robbins House in supporting 11-year-old Marley Dias and her #1000blackgirlbooks project. Books can be dropped off in the box outside the Main Office or in the Learning Commons. The Concord Bookshop has a display of books for sale and will hold purchased donations for us under the name “Robbins House.” Additional titles can be found at Click Here and ordered through the Concord Bookshop. For more information contact us: Nicole Azarian, nazarian17@concordps.org;Lily Supovitz: las61098@gmail.com; Jurgens Michel:jurgens.jr@gmail.com
Make a difference in March! Time to kick off the CCHS Terracyling Spring campaign. We are collecting clean cereal bag liners and shiny energy and granola bar wrappers. Locations for the Terracycling bins are outside the MARC room 425, inside the Rivers room on the third floor, on the second floor near the learning commons, and in the cafeteria. Look for the tall yellow bins for cereal liner bags and white bins for shiny energy. Help us reach our goal and collect 1,200 cereal bag liners and 2,500 shiny energy bar wrappers, so that every student at CCHS has helped. All proceeds will go to Charitywater.org and provide clean drinking water to people in developing countries. EFSG, Priscilla Guiney, Peter Nichol and Nora Murphy
The Community Chest is looking for nominations for its Volunteer Service Award. The award is given for outstanding volunteerism in the field of human services. Nominees must have a minimum of 10 volunteer hours performed between June 1, 2015 and April 1, 2016. Applications are available on the Community Chest website: www.cccommunitychest.org and must be submitted no later than April 11, 2016.
The Carlisle Trails Committee will have its next meeting on Friday, April 1 (no fooling), at 7:30 pm in the Town Hall. The agenda will be posted on the Carlisle Trails Committee web site. http://carlisletrails.pbworks.com/w/page/15173794/Photos
Last Chance to Register for the Amazing Race! Recruit your team of two or three to compete in the super fun CC at Play Amazing Race on Saturday, April 2. Funds raised will support a new upper field, a lacrosse practice wall, as well as a new concession stand. Space is limited, so register today at www.ccatplay.org Can’t race? Need community service hours? Volunteer! Email: shelleygrowney@comcast.net
For youth ages 3-15 years, there are scholarship opportunities for summer camp and summer extracurricular activities for Concord and Carlisle residents. Please contact Aileen Buford, MSW, the Concord Carlisle Community Services Coordinator, for more information and eligibility requirements. 978.318.3034 or abuford@concordma.gov. Application deadline April 25.
Transition Planning Workshop – Now is the time for High School Students on an IEP to start planning for their future! Date: Wednesday, April 13, 7-9pm – Parent Mingle 6:30-7pm Location: Concord Carlisle High School, Learning Commons. Please join the Concord and CCHS SEPAC for an overview of transition planning and key factors critical for postsecondary life, including transitioning to college. This workshop is designed to help you prepare and plan for your, or your student’s, postsecondary needs and goals. Presented by Heather Mahoney, M.Ed., Transition Specialist at CCHS. RSVP and submit questions in advance to concordsepac@gmail.com. Hosted by the Concord and CCHS SEPAC www.concordsepac.org.
Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School
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