An Important Message from Principal Badalament – Thank you to all who have entered their students cell phone number through the parent portal. Student cell phone numbers can be entered as new or updated at anytime throughout the year. Within 48 hours upon entering, your student will receive a welcome text message from 231-77 (Concord Schools) with an OPT OUT option. Please encourage your student NOT to opt out, as we will use texting as our primary means of communicating emergency instructions in the event of a critical incident.
Massachusetts Elks Scholarship, Inc.: This is the Elk’s State scholarship offered to students demonstrating financial need, scholarship aptitude, and good citizenship. Scholarship assistance shall be for the purpose of enabling the beneficiary to secure an education for a Bachelors Degree in a four-year undergraduate college. Applications are only available through the Guidance and Counseling Dept. Please see Mrs. MacHaffie for and application ASAP. Application DEADLINE is TODAY February 1.
AP Test Registration: Sign-ups for this year’s AP tests starts this week and runs through – Feb. 12. Registration forms will be available from Ms. McElroy in the main office. They must be filled out, signed by a parent/guardian, and returned with a check for the full payment by Friday, February 12. Each test costs $92. NO LATE REGISTRATION WILL BE ALLOWED. See Ms. Fischer in the Social Studies office with questions.
2Volunteer has some new opportunities for volunteers. Please go to our website, 2Volunteeronline.org, for further information. Vacation is a great time to fulfill your CS requirement!
All SOPHOMORES, Class of 2018, are scheduled to meet with their guidance counselors to discuss course selection for 2016-2017. Meetings begin this week February 1-5. A letter was mailed home with the date, block and time. All meetings are in the counselor’s offices. Use the letter as your pass from study hall. Can’t find the letter, click here for list:
Please be on time…this meeting is very important and should not be missed. If you were scheduled during a class, please contact your counselor ASAP to make a change. Bring your course selection materials that you received in Advisory.
There will be a meeting on Tuesday, February 2nd at 2:30 in room 121 for all boys in grades 9-12 interested in playing Boys Lacrosse this spring. If you have a conflict and cannot make the meeting please email Coach Dalicandro at tdalicandro@concordps.org
On Wednesday, February 3, there is a meeting for all boys interested in playing varsity or JV tennis for CCHS in 2016. The meeting will run from 2:30-3:00 in Room 332.
The new date for the BookPALS visit to the Everett School is Wednesday, February 3. See Dr. Cicchetti in the Learning Commons for more information, and for a permission slip. Students without a signed permission slip will not be allowed to participate.
Auditions for Phantom of the Opera will be held February 8 – 11 from 2:30 – 5:00, audition information and forms are available on the website. Please fill out an audition form and keep checking the website for more information! www.concordcarlisletheatercompany.webs.com
PRISM 2016 Please join us on February 6, 2016 @7pm for PRISM, presented by the Concord-Carlisle HS Band and Orchestra. Tickets (reserved seating) are now on sale at www.ticketstage.com (Search for Concord-Carlisle HS) Get your tickets today! PRISM is a non-stop musical kaleidoscope, showcasing the talented student musicians of the Concord-Carlisle High School Bands and Orchestra. A variety of musical styles and ensembles will be presented throughout the performing space, creating an interactive experience for the audience.
Concord Police Criminal Justice Club/Police Explorer Post The Concord Police Department is currently in the planning stages of forming the Concord Criminal Justice Club/Law Enforcement Police Explorer Post. The Concord Criminal Justice Club (CCJC) will be a unique opportunity for young men and women in grades 9-12 to explore the field of criminal justice. Members will receive instruction on several subjects such as CPR & first aid, motor vehicle law, criminal law, traffic direction, police communications, and community policing to name a few. The Explorers will utilize this training and information to assist the police department at community events at the discretion of the Concord Police Department. Our goal is that the CCJC will be a registered Law Enforcement Explorer Post. An application will be required and members must demonstrate a mature and respectful attitude toward fellow members, police department personnel, and all citizens. If you are interested in being a part of a new and exciting club, and learning about the Criminal Justice System contact Detective Scott Camilleri at scamilleri@concordma.gov or 978-318-3414.
The Concord-Carlisle High School Parents Association cordially invites you to attend an exciting evening with
Julie Lythcott-Haims on Wednesday March 16th 7:00 at the new CCHS auditorium. Julie is the former freshmen Dean at Stanford and author of “How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success”. Julie will share her insight into the ways in which overparenting impacts children, parents, and society at large, while providing practical strategies for those who wish to ensure that the next generation can take charge of their own lives with competence and confidence. Julie has an amazing message that is relevant to parents, educators, and care-givers of toddlers through twenty-somethings, and we encourage everyone to attend! Although this event is FREE and open to all, Advance Registration is required as we expect demand to be very high. Please register here: http://bit.ly/cchspa-JLH Any questions or problems, please email events@cchspa.org.
The Concord-Carlisle Community Chest is proud to present its Annual Community Speaker event on Monday, February 1st at 7:30pm at the Fenn School, Ward Hall. Join us for an evening with Dr. Annie Brewster, Founder and Executive Director of Health Story Collaborative. Dr. Brewster is a graduate of Harvard Medical School and a practicing Internist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. She is also a patient, diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2001. In 2010, motivated by her belief in the power of stories to improve health, Dr. Brewster started Health Story Collaborative to collect, share, and honor stories of illness and healing. Its goal is to create a forum for story sharing to make the process of navigating illness less isolating, and to empower individuals and families facing health challenges. Dr. Brewster has been published in The New York Times Well Blog, the Commonwealth WBUR blog, NPR.org, the Boston Globe, Harvard Medicine Magazine as well as presenting at TEDx Fenway, 2014. For more information on HSC, please visit
http://www.healthstorycollaborative.org/ To register for this FREE event, go to the Community Chest website at www.cccommunitychest.org or call 978-369-5250.
Registration is Open for CC at Play’s Amazing Race. Sign-up Today! CC at Play’s 2016 Amazing Race and Rockin’ After Party will take place Saturday, April 2nd. Recruit your team of two or three and sign-up today to compete in this super fun, scavengers hunt adventure. Race categories: Adult/18+, Youth/Grades 6-12, and Kids/Grades K-5. Discounted “Early Bird” registration through February 1st. Space is limited; so sign-up early at: www.ccatplay.org Can’t race? Come have fun behind the scenes. If interested in volunteering, email: shellygrowney@comcast.net
Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School
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