Briana J. Bigby Scholarship Fundraiser – Briana was a graduate of CCHS who fell victim to violence in Boston is 2013. A bright, motivated young woman who devoted much of her energy to social service organizations and the benefit of others, Briana is missed dearly by her family and friends. For additional information, please contact Wanda Atkins at 617-291-0863. Please continue to donate by visiting www.gofundme.com an account has been set up in her name under brianajbigbyscholarshipfund.
Class of 2017 – All Juniors (students only) are scheduled to meet with their counselors this week. This is the 2nd meeting in the post-secondary-planning process. A letter was sent home with the meeting time. The letter includes important information and recommendation forms to be filled out. Can’t find the letter or need to reschedule? Contact amachaffie@concordps.org Guidance Secretary or see her ASAP.
Class of 2017: Junior Night Post-Secondary-Planning Program: Thursday, January 7 @ 7:00 pm for students and parents. The Guidance & Counseling Department will be conducting a series of 30 minute evening workshops including: College Admissions Testing, Beating Stress in the Senior Year, The College Visit and Interview, The Parent Role in Moving On, ROTC/Military Academy Admissions, Using the Naviance Program, Information for Student Athletes, Early Decision/Early Action Plans, Options for a Productive Year Off. It is possible to attend 3 of these sessions. The program will begin in the Auditorium at 7 pm. Please plan on attending. Rare opportunity to learn about the Benefits of Mindfulness and begin your practice in the New Year!
Thursday evening January 7 Dr. Kim Nolan from Vermont will be in town to share her wealth of insights, scientific research and practical strategies. If the $10 online fee presents a problem for you, please contact Sally at the Center for Parents and Teachers for a full scholarship (squinnreed@concordps.org) To learn more, sign up and directions to the Concord location are given at registration site, click on the link below (or cut and paste it into your browser) http://mindfulness7jan2016concordma.eventbrite.com
January Film Series at The Fenn School. On January 12 at 6:30 p.m. join us to view Race to Nowhere and then join in a discussion with Fenn faculty and other attendees about the film. The event is free and open to the public; however, registration is suggested. Please register at www.fenn.org/fennspeaks<http://www.fenn.org/fennspeaks>
IEP BASIC RIGHTS Workshop Date: January 14, 7-9 pm. Location: Concord Carlisle High School Learning Commons. Do you have a child/teen on an IEP? This free workshop is designed to help you learn how to be an effective partner with your child’s school – and how to plan, make decisions and monitor your child’s progress in school. Learn your rights and responsibilities under Massachusetts Education Law. This workshop is highly recommended for those who have never attended an IEP Basic Rights workshop before. For planning purposes an RSVP is appreciated, but not required. Please RSVP and send questions to concordsepac@gmail.com. Hosted by the Concord and CCHS SEPAC: www.concordsepac.org LIKE Us on Facebook for this and more Parent Resources!
The Concord Police Department is sponsoring a RAD self-defense class for CCHS female students, and female college students home for winter break. RAD or Rape Aggression Defense program is a realistic self-defense program teaching risk reduction and avoidance strategies, including hands-on defense training. RAD is not a martial arts program. RAD consists of four classes using simple and easy to learn techniques, providing an effective and proven method of self-defense for females. RAD classes will be held on Tues. Jan.19, Thurs. Jan.21, Thurs. Jan.26 and Thurs. 28 6:30 p.m. to 8:30p.m. Classes will be held at the Alcott School. For more information please contact Dispatcher Nancy Campbell at 978-318-3400 or ncampbell@concordma.gov
The Amazing Race Returns: April 2nd, 2016 Mark your calendar! CC at Play’s Amazing Race and Rockin’ After Party will take place on Saturday, April 2nd, 2016. Who do you want on your team to compete in this action-packed, scavenger hunt adventure, which is based on the hit CBS show “The Amazing Race”? Registration begins January 4th. Teams of two or three can race in one of three categories: Adult/18+, Youth/Grades 6-12, and Kids/Grades K-5. Space is limited; so don’t forget to sign-up early!
Christmas Tree Pickup The Concord Boy Scouts along with the youth of Holy Family Parish collect trees after the holiday for disposal at the town landfill. Your donation for disposal helps defray the cost of our youth programs. Please consider using our service when it comes time to dispose of your tree! Deadline for reservations to pick up your tree is Wednesday, January 6th by 5 PM
DATE: Saturday, January 9th, 2016
LOCATION: We can only pick up trees in Concord
TIME: Pickups begin at 7:00 AM
COST: Suggested donation of $20-25
To reserve a pickup slot, please register at
Registration is also available at Holyfamilyconcord.org or troop132.com. If you have any questions contact us at 978-505-4141 or at concordtreepickup@gmail.com. Be sure to include your name, address, and phone number when you contact us!
Group Classes Begin January 19th at Concord Conservatory of Music
Have you always wanted to learn to play “Eleanor Rigby” on the ukulele? Do you find yourself drumming rhythm patterns on your desk? Are you an enthusiastic “shower singer?” Consider taking your interest and ability to the next level by enrolling in a course at The Concord Conservatory of Music. Whether it’s a group class in singing, world percussion, or even ukulele, CCM offers you the chance to learn a wonderful new skill with friends both new and old. We can even set you up in a Rock Band! CCM faculty members will get you started and focus your effort—you’ll be amazed at how quickly you will learn. Bring a friend and make some new ones! For more information, email info@concordconservatory.org, call (978) 369-0010, or visit www.ConcordConservatory.org. The Concord Conservatory of Music is the area’s nonprofit community music school, located at 1317 Main Street in the West Concord Union Church. Financial assistance is available.
Martha A. Hammer
Administrative Assistant
Concord-Carlisle Regional High School
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