Welcome to the Social Studies Department
The Social Studies program introduces students to a variety of social sciences, emphasizing information, concepts, and methodologies. All ninth graders are required to take and pass World Cultures and Civilizations, which fosters historical, cultural, and geographic perspectives. To fulfill both CCHS and Massachusetts state requirements, sophomores must take and pass United States History. Juniors and seniors can choose from a wide range of elective courses.
Social Studies courses are untracked and leveled, providing a dynamic learning environment with students of diverse interests and abilities. Central to the experience are discussions, diverse viewpoints, and the appreciation of one's own analytical growth. Understanding the course requirements is crucial, so course descriptions include key terms like analysis (interpreting evidence), synthesis (combining parts into a new whole), and evaluation (judging material).
Required courses, World Cultures and Civilizations and United States History, are offered annually. However, elective courses may vary each year, as outlined in the course description chart. Students should list their top three elective choices and aim for a balanced program of history and social sciences.
Course Offerings
World Cultures and Civilizations
United States History
Current Affairs
International Issues
World Religions
Black History
History & Literature:
A Twice Told Tale
Classical Age