Welcome to the Performing Arts Department
The Performing Arts Department offers courses to enhance students' musical and aesthetic education, catering to various abilities and interests. Our program allows students to develop their proficiency in musical instruments and vocal performance through both solo and group activities. Beyond scheduled classes, students can engage in the annual musical and participate in our tuition-based private lesson program.
Our Music Program features instrumental ensembles such as Concert Band, 9th Grade Band, Pep Band, Orchestra, and Jazz Band, as well as vocal ensembles like Combined Chorus, Select Choir, Melodies, and Men’s Chorus. These courses help students cultivate essential musical skills for high-quality performances. Students are exposed to various musical styles, encouraging an appreciation of music as a form of expression. Through rehearsals and concerts, students learn the value of disciplined collaboration and enjoy the harmony it produces.
Course Offerings
Introduction to Theatre
Theatre Performance and Production
Concert Band
Pep Band
Jazz Ensemble
Music Theory