Unit 11: The Presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan

In many ways, the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan can be considered reactions to the presidents who came before them. Carter was the type of president that Americans wanted after Nixon's (and, by extension, Ford's) "imperial presidency", but why is he considered such a failure? Reagan's election can be seen as a backlash against the down-to-earth presidency of Carter. With Reagan, we will be looking at how and why he got elected, and how the Cold War ultimately came to an end.

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Links/review guide:

Carter/Reagan review guide is included in the final exam review guide

Extra resources:

The Record-Setting Ex-Presidency of Jimmy Carter
The Atlantic (9/9/12)

What Today's Republicans Don't Get about Reagan
NY Times (2/24/16)

Reagan's Republican Party: Is it Dead?
National Review(3/29/16)

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