Medication Policies

Other than in an emergency situation, school personnel will not administer medications to school children unless all of the following conditions or requirements are met:

  • The school nurse confirms that the administration of the medication is absolutely necessary during school hours.
  • The parent/Guardian Authorization Form and the Medication Order Form have been filled out by the student’s parents or guardian and physician. The forms are provided by the Health Office or on this web site and must be completed and on file before medication administration can begin. These forms must be renewed at the beginning of each school year, and whenever there is a change in the dose or medication.
  • Medications should be delivered to the Health Office by parents or a responsible adult. All medications must be in their original container. The pharmaceutical container must state the patient’s name, the name of the medication, the dose to be administered, and the name of the prescribing physician.
  • Students are responsible for coming to the Health Office for regularly prescribed medications. Parents will be informed when students miss more than two consecutive doses of a medication.
  • Students who request Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) during school hours must have signed permission from a parent or guardian on their completed Emergency Card. No more than one dose of Tylenol or Advil will be given to any student during the school day. Like other medication, Tylenol or Advil will be administered by the School Nurse only when absolutely necessary. The decision to administer Tylenol or Advil will be based on each individual student’s complaint, physical assessment and health history. Alternative measures to achieve comfort such as rest, nourishment, ice packs or heat are encouraged by the Health Office prior to administering medications.